Manda made the most wonderful crazy cake! The frosting had melted on her way over from Eagle Mountain, but I think that is what made it taste better. You had that frosty sweet flavor all through out the cake and not just on top. It was very pleasant.
In all it was a very good day. Not much happened at work during my grave yard shift. It stunk that I only got an hour and half of sleep. But I made it to my sign aide job just in time. The kids I work with both had very good days. I only had to give one time out, and threaten to take away points. It was a very productive work day. Until I got back to Orem and found that I didn't have my apartment keys and that the four roles of film that I had thought belonged to Liz's Sealing pictures were in fact not. One was from that day, however the other three ranged from about a year ago to two or three years ago. So, now I have to go and find those other two rolls of film and get them developed, and I had to go all the way back to American Fork and try to find my keys. Luckily I found them. So all is well.
As for my last post. I am doing just fine. All that post really was, well, a venting. Thats all. I feel just fine. I just have to have a little more faith in myself. I am good at what I do. I just hit some bumps and get a little annoyed at myself when really I haven't done anything wrong at all. So, no worries. All is well.
My boss for alpine thinks I am the cats meow and loves the work I have done with the kids I am assigned to. I am getting a raise at Bel Aire very soon. And I got a lot more than I thought my car would be worth. Now enabling me to put a very nice down payment on a newer car. So, again, no worries. But thank you for all your concern.
Have a lovely day. I know I will. Fall is in the air!
Because it's you, and I feel a certain bit of obligation... I'm going to pretend that you didn't just plaster a million poorly-structured paragraphs on your blog. :D
Just do me the favor of NOT pretending that it doesn't bother me.
And for the record, each new topic deserves it's own paragraph. Just so you know...
Hm... hit the submit key a little too early.
I love your new layout on your blog. And, am very proud that managed to make the button of death in the upper corner disappear. Props. Actually, not just props... but MAD PROPS!!!
And the captcha word is axjdsqo NOT fun at all... :(
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